Hello fellow pack collectors and thanks for your help with the last group of packs. I've posted the results from the 7th group on the scarcity pages.
Here's the next group or packs for your consideration.
We are trying to organize individual card packs into groups based on availability - ranging from extremely rare to common.
You can seen how far we've gotten using the drop down menus under Scarcity on the top menus.
Express your opinions! Argue with each other! Disagree with our previous picks.
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I agree. Seems like it’s the vintage Batman collectors really driving the price of things like that. Not really the non sport guys so much.
I have never seen an oddest odd rods pack for sale so I would put that one as rare. Monster Marks show up a few times a year and I might put that one as Limited.
I've always wondered about Batman packs. They seem to sell in the 300-500 range but are all over the place. I wonder if they command that kind of price due to iconic popularity rather than scarcity although, I would keep them as scarce for now.
I could make the argument that you were trying to show all packs that belong in the scarce grouping...however I’m gonna downgrade one.
Oddest Odd Rods-scarce
Batman- scarce
Monster Marks-scarce
sidenote on the Monster Marks pack. I lost an auction and was the underbidder at $22 about 6-7 years ago on eBay. It was the first time I had seen the pack offered for sale. Have only seen it offered 2 or 3 times since then and it seems to get up into the low $100s. While it’s not dollar for dollar the same as some of those scarce packs, it sure is tough to find and get in your collection for a decent price.